Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Wheels on the Bus (PreK-K)

As Salaamu alayki

Every day Ibraheem and Yasmin wants me to read to them a book called "The Wheels on the Bus" each day and night I would read this book to them. A few days ago since we use this book often I noticed one of the pages was missing.. This is a hard book so when we got to the page that is missing They both of them began to get upset and beg me to find the missing page. Today I decided that I was not going to go looking for the messing page in fact let us make up our own version of the book and mashallah it went something like this.

for those of you who are in Cairo Egypt or surrounding areas you should totally understand if not then inshallah ill explain later lol mashallah:

This is inspired by my lil man Ibraheem...

The Ahkee in the taxi goes

come along please, come along please.
come along please, come along please.

The Ahkee in the taxi goes
come along please, come along please.

All thru Cairo Egypt.

The Ummis says to the kids

Hurry up and get in, Hurry up and get in.
Hurry up and get in, Hurry up and get in.

The Ummis says to the kids the kids
Hurry up and get in, Hurry up and get in.

All thru Cairo Egypt.

The Taxi man says,
where would you like to go?,
where would you like to go?
where would you like to go?, where would you like to go?

The Taxi man says,
where would you like to go?, where would you like to go?

All thru Cairo Egypt.

The Ummis in the back set says

To the harram, To the harram
To the harram, To the harram

The Ummis in the back set says
To the harramTo the harram

All thru Cairo Egypt.

Allllllll thru Cairo Egypt.

Ok so its a bit corney but I thought it was just the cutest thing really because I now know why this was his favorite store/song.. It reminded him of how we use the taxi to get around verse a bus lol and this was his way of telling his store of how he gets around. Mashallah he is so bright and when they the lil ones do that its so amazing to watch because it helps you understand them so well. Ok just wanted share that

until next time


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