Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Reading is Motivation!~

Bismillahir Rahmanir RaheemAs Salaamu alaykunnaReading is a major important subject for our children, we know that with reading it enables the child with the ability to expand his/her mind and creativity, to be able to communicate better. I believe that in todays world that what children lack the most is originality due to lack imagination....

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Well Heck, I am SELFISH TOO! and LOVING IT!♥

As Salaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh Many of us choose to homeschool, mainly for Islamic reason but there are other reasons why we strive so hard to homeschool our children as well and one reason often over looked. A homeschool mom has taken the words right out of my mouth as to why I choose to homeschool with a few more...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Having a party?~

BismillahSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahMy goals for the kids is to give them a since of happiness along with teaching them the religion as teaching them the religion will be a guide to teaching them happiness.First thing i have noticed about us Muslims who regard our self upon the adherence to the salafi dawah is that we strip away a lot of social fun from our children. This bothers me and it may be that i can pinpoint it so due...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Where going on a Nature "Walk"!

Bismillah~Where going on a Nature "Walk"!Today, our expedition was to venture out on a Nature walk. Should be fun since we are in a different world (Egypt) I am wondering how this will go.... Hmmmmmm will be back with an update lol he he he he....Here is what well do inshallah.For a Nature walk you want to be prepare for both the walk and...

Our mini Lesson on Eclipses

Bismillah~AsSalaamu alaykuuna, Hey gurls, its the Home schooling momma just wanted to share with you all a mini lesson we are doing. I know I am like 7 days late, but its still worth it and hey! Its never to late to learn anything.I selected this site called Science (I am sure you all have heard about it) for a number of reasons,...
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